This entertaining and fun series written by British author, Sophie Kinsella, is a MUST read. There are a total of five books in the series at the moment. The one pictured above is the first in the series, "Confessions of Shopaholic." Next is "Shopaholic Takes Manhattan", "Shopaholic Ties the Knot", "Shopaholic and Baby." and "Shopaholic and Sister." While the titles aren't that fantastic---don't let it stop you because you will fall in love with the main character Becky Bloomwood and the story by the first few pages.
Luckily for us they decided to make a movie as well- staring Isla Fisher as Becky. Great casting in my opinion. And from trailer and movie stills it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.So if you want to curl up by the fireplace this winter with a great new book---go read "Confessions of a Shopaholic" before the movie comes out in February!