Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Iris van Herpen works wonders! The designer presented her spring summer 2012 collection at the Berlin Fashion Week so it wasn't part of our Fashion Week reviews. Of course I had to mention it simply because I love her work!
Iris van Herpen čini čuda! Dizajnerica je svoju proljeće ljeto 2012 kolekciju predstavila na Berlinskom tjednu mode pa nije bila dio naših Fashion Week recenzija. Naravno da sam ju spomenula jer naprosto obožavam njezin rad!
Iris is known for her 3D designs and she didn't left them out even in this collection. What I like about Iris van Herpen is the fact that each creation tells its own story, each is unique and beautiful in its own way. The picture speaks a thousand words! Check it out!
Dizajnerica je poznata po svojim 3D kreacijama koje nije izostavila ni ovoga puta. Ono što volim kod Iris van Herpen jest to što svaka kreacija priča svoju priču, svaka je jedinstvena i prekrasna na svoj načim. Zbilja nema smisla da ih zasebno opisujemo, slika govori tisuću riječi! Provjerite!
….stay fabulous!
So what do you think fashionistas?
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Monday, October 24, 2011
Healthy weight loss tips In English
Obesity increases the risk of many dangerous deceases like diabetes and heart disease. Getting slim and losing the extra pounds are not just a necessity to be “in” but it is also very important for our health. Presence of fat tissue is essential as natural energy reserve in our bodies. But excess fat tissues result in obesity and causes health disorders. To reduce fat one should depend upon strict diet control and exercise. Besides this there are many ‘secret’ home remedies like the fat burning diet, for losing the additional fat in your body. Let us have a look at the easy weight losing tips.
Eat an ample amount of fruits like apples, pear, and green vegetables like celery, spinach, broccoli, religiously on a daily basis because veggies are low calorie food. In order to cut down your weight, you need to reduce your fat intake and substitute it with natural fruits and vegetables, which will boost your metabolism.
Mint leaves are good to burn fat. Have mint tea every morning. Include mint in your daily diet. Mint chutney is a tasty side dish for many South Indian breakfast cuisines.
One of the best ways to reduce body fat is weight training. As you increase lean muscle mass you burn more calories.
Honey is an excellent natural remedy for obesity. 10 gram of honey should be taken with hot water in starting and dose can be increased with time. This is excellent home remedy for this problem.
To make sure you reduce fat and not muscle when losing weight, it's essential to get enough protein. Use low calorie high protein shakes for mini meals. And have fun adding fruit or flavorings.
It is a negative calorie food which helps in burning body fat. Have cabbage at least once in a day. This will swallow the extra fat in your body.
To make sure you reduce fat and not muscle when losing weight, it's essential to get enough protein. Use low calorie high protein shakes for mini meals. And have fun adding fruit or flavorings.
Mix one cup of lukewarm water few drops of lime juice and some honey in every morning before breakfast. This will also breaks down the extra body fat.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Last couple of days have been very hectic for us but it was all worth it when we got the chance to visit the backstage of Croatia's best designer ZIGMAN. ZIGMAN was very kind and provided us a small tour through his SS 2012 collection. Believe us fashionistas, it was like a heaven for us since we really worship his work. We are sure you'll love it as much as we do!
Posljednjih nekoliko dana bili su nam jako užurbani, ali se je sve na kraju isplatilo kada smo dobili priliku posjetiti backstage najboljeg hrvatskog dizajnera ZIGMANa. ZIGMAN je bio jako ljubazan i omogućio nam malu turu kroz njegovu SS 2012 kolekciju. Vjerujte nam fashioniste, bilo nam je kao u raju jer stvarno obožavamo njegov rad. Sigurni smo da će vam se svidjeti jednako kao i nama!
We didn't hesitate and we immidiately started taking pictures and touching all those crazy creations just to capture our excitement and share it with you. Fashion show followed and it was the best one of the Croatian fashion week.
Nismo oklijevali i odmah smo počeli fotografirati i dirati sve te lude kreacije kako bi naše uzbuđenje podijelili s vama. Zatim je uslijedila ZIGMANova revija, zasigurno najbolja na cijelom fashion week-u.