Thursday, September 8, 2011


The other day I was checking out some fall collections so I can share with you guys the fall trends, and I was surprised how many designers used fur. I mean, I know fur is really popular and there are always designers who can't imagine their fall/winter collection without it, but still…it seems it is a huge hit this fall. Prada, Gucci, Valentino, those are only the big names, and the list goes on and on.

Neki dan sam pregledavala kolekcije kako bi s vama mogla podijeliti jesenske trendove i iznenadila sam se koliko je dizajnera koristilo krzno. Znam da je izuzetno popularno i da ne postoje dizajneri koji ne mogu zamisliti svoje jesensko-zimske kolekcije bez barem malog komada krzna, ali ipak…čini se da je ove jeseni veliki hit. Prada, Gucci, Valentino, to su samo velika imena, a lista se nastavlja.
First I want to to clarify something: although I'm writting this post, it doesn't mean I support this trend. As our blog has an informative character, Mani & I both have to be objective.
I actually love how fur looks like, luxurious is the right word. But I don't approve using fur for any fashion or other purposes, especially nowdays when the fashion industry has develop and produce excellent fake fur. After all, I'm a vegetarian, and it odds with my beliefs.
Prvo želim raščistiti nešto: iako pišem ovaj post ne znači da ovaj trend i podržavam. Kako je naš blog informativnog karaktera, mani & ja moramo biti objektivni.
Zapravo mi se sviđa kako krzno izgleda, luksuzno je prava riječ. Ali ne podržavam korištenje krzna u modne ili druge svrhe, pogotovo danas kada je modna industrija razvijena i proizvodi odlično umjetno krzno. Ipak, vegetarijanka sam, i to se protivi mojim uvjerenjima.

However, we can't cange the fact that fur, real or fake, takes a huge part of the fashion industry. As a feather, designers colored fur in different colors. Luxurious, colorful, fun, expensive ... so it seems, and if you don't want to wear real fur, don't be affraid to invest in a good piece of fake! Because it really looks good!
Kakogod, ne možemo promijeniti činjenicu da je krzno, pravo ili ne, veliki dio modne industrije. Kao i kožu, dizajneri su ga obojili u različite boje. Luksuzno, šareno, zabavno, skupo…čini se, i ako ne želite nositi pravo, nemojte se investirati u dobar komad lažnog krzna! Zbilja izgleda dobro!
….stay fabulous!

Mani & I are grateful to lovely Marcela from Fashionadictas by Marcela! This amazing girl gave us  The sunshine award wich is our 4th award! Fashionistas, check out her blog, it's really interesting and fun!
Mani i ja smo jako zahvalni dragoj Marceli sa bloga Fashionadictas by Marcela! Ova odlična djevojka nam je dala Sunshine nagradu koja je naša 4. nagrada. Posjetite njezin blog, interesantan je i zabavan!
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